Ask and ye shall receive.
There were so many good questions for FC Dallas head coach Oscar Pareja during our April 19th edition of FC Dallas Live.
Oscar graciously agreed to answer a question after the show. Tommy LeBoeuf’s gave us an opportunity to learn more about Oscar’s staff and the roles that each of his coaches have.
The structure of our coaching staff:
Marco Ferruzzi takes care of the defensive phase of the team. With Marco, we design strategies and development for our players.
Jose Maria Bazan does the same but on the offensive phase. Also Jose has a program with the young players to have extra work (field and video).
Our fitness coach, Fabian Bazan, has other responsibilities also: the discipline, the organization and logistics are part of his job. Drew Keeshan manage the goalkeepers’ department.
The interaction of all is the most valuable part of our group. We make sure that each of us feel the importance that every role represent for our players.
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