SOCIAL | Atiba Harris visits Ethiopian brothers in DFW for surgery

Atiba Markus Tamirat

It's been a great week for FC Dallas defender Atiba Harris who signed a new contract with FC Dallas earlier this week and he is paying it some forward with some holiday cheer. If you haven't seen the story already, a pair of Ethiopian brothers are in DFW to have life-changing surgery through the Texas Back Institute to fix their severe scoliosis

Atiba was alerted to the fact that the two are huge soccer fans and took a trip today to go see Tamirat and Markus. Tamirat, whose scoliosis was the more severe case of the two, is recovering from his first surgery while Markus is slated to have his first surgery soon.

Atiba insisted that the boys let him come back in a few weeks to check on their progress and hopes to welcome them to a pre-season training session in January!