FRISCO - We’ve got just what everyone had on their Christmas list - a final Mailbag of 2017! For the final time this year, let’s dive into all the questions at large in FCD-land.

“Do we see @ReggieCannon15 starting games in the back line so we can focus on signing offensive power?” - Anthony Stryk
I’m going to break this one up into a two-part question, Anthony. Do I see Reggie Cannon starting game in the back line? Absolutely. Is it so they can focus on signing offensive power? Not at all.
Part of the decision to part ways with 2017 starter Hernan Grana was because Cannon is ready for the starting role. But just because on player moves up on the depth chart does not mean there won’t be someone come in behind him to help alleviate what will be a long and grueling season with CCL, Open Cup and the normal MLS schedule. Also, if you look at the projected depth chart at the moment below, there are a lot of names in the front half of the formation, while it’s looking pretty thin at the back. Reggie is starting because he is ready, not as a sacrifice to get others players in the fold.

“Is Mauro currently on a scouting trip to bring back his brother in law to pair with Matt? #SillySeason #MondayMailbag” - The 19th Minute
What our friends at The 19th Minute are referencing here is the fact Mauro Diaz is hanging out with famous brother-in-law Funes Mori in Spain, according to social media posts over the weekend. No, Mauro is not on a scouting or recruitment trip for the next FCD center back, but the relationship did work the other way when Diaz was being recruited by Dallas. Way back in 2013, the former FCD Academy defender Mori helped sell Diaz on his youth club’s Senior roster. I don’t think we’ll see the brethren-in-law reunite on the field in Frisco.

“What are you looking forward to in 2018?” - Marcus Cole
This is quite the loaded and wide-reaching question, but one naturally fit as our last Mailbag question of 2017. I think the best part of any new year, both personally and professionally, is that we have no clue what is in store over the next 365 (or sometimes 366) days. But that’s not really an answer to the question, I know.
At FC Dallas, I look forward to seeing how this team rebounds from the second half of 2017. I think there’s a lot to come from the lessons learned and the changes coming on the field. It’s always exciting and eager anticipation when the new season approaches and seeing what comes throughout the twists and turns.
Personally, I hope for another year of health and happiness for myself, my family and close friends. But I also look forward to another year with you all reading, interacting and bringing your passion to everything we do here at FCD Digital. You all are a member of our extended Family, and for that I’m extremely grateful. We wouldn’t be here without you all.
’Til next year..